Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Success Stories: Marrow Maths

There is a representative for making maths compulsory until historic menstruum 18. I observe it difficult to larn on board amongst this. One of my brightest Year xi students is currently choosing his Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 degree subjects - he wants to last a barrister thus English linguistic communication too History are top of his list. He enjoys maths too he's real skillful at it, but I sure enough don't desire to forcefulness him to proceed to study maths.

However, I am real much inwards understanding amongst the regulation that everyone should take away hold the opportunity to study mathematics until historic menstruum 18. Currently virtually three quarters of students amongst a skillful overstep inwards GCSE mathematics create non proceed to study maths afterward their GCSE exams. This may last because at that topographic point is no suitable pathway available to them. England is odd inwards this honour - nosotros take away hold real depression rates of post-16 participation.

In most schools inwards England, the selection our students confront at historic menstruum xvi is Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 degree maths or no maths at all. Although the Core Maths qualification has forthwith been seat inwards house to cater for those students who overstep their GCSE but are unable to convey Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 level, uptake is relatively low. As of June 2017, at that topographic point were closed to 7 hundred post-16 providers offering Core Maths, which is approaching 30% of the sector. So why isn't every schoolhouse offering it? Clearly at that topographic point are funding concerns too staffing pressures at play here. In addition, some schools merely aren't on board amongst the thought of universal mathematics teaching post-16.

My schoolhouse has a relatively good for yous uptake of maths at Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 level. Last twelvemonth nosotros had 99 students doing AS maths inwards Year 12, of which 17 got a B at GCSE. Of those students amongst a B at GCSE, all but ane ended upwards amongst a D, E or U at AS degree (the bulk got a U). It was heartbreaking seeing them opened upwards their results inwards August. If solely I had been to a greater extent than honest too realistic upfront. The fact is, a pupil amongst a B at GCSE is real unlikely to take away hold the underlying noesis required to succeed at Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 level. Given lots of fourth dimension this could last fixed, but nosotros don't take away hold lots of time. Jemma Sherwood explains this real good inwards her latest post. In calorie-free of this, I of late decided that nosotros should heighten our entry requirement for Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 degree maths to a Grade 7. I actually agonised over this decision, but I experience it is the correct affair to create for the students. Part of my justification was that anyone amongst a Grade 4, five or half dozen inwards their maths GCSE would last able to study Core Maths, thus at to the lowest degree nosotros wouldn't last excluding them from mathematics. After all, mathematics teaching should last available to all. This chance is especially of import for students who desire to study subjects similar economic science too science, where rigid mathematical skills are vital.

Although my asking to heighten our Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 degree entry requirement to a Grade 7 was accepted, unfortunately my school's leadership team rejected my asking to proceed to offering Core Maths. They don't run across the value inwards it. I retrieve this is in all likelihood a usually held view. We've run Core Maths for a span of years amongst real depression uptake (only a span of students per class) thus it's difficult to run across it equally a success. But having gathered inspiration too ideas from Twitter, nosotros were planning to promote it ameliorate this year. I create promise that nosotros volition larn this chance inwards the future.

To back upwards all those teachers who are hoping to implement Core Maths but are facing resistance from leadership, hither are 3 representative studies where schools take away hold made Core Maths operate well.
1. Maria (@MrsMLL) plant at ane of the colleges inwards the North West that piloted the Core Maths Qualification inwards 2014. Initially the class was highly recommended to students non studying Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 degree maths but studying whatever Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 degree inwards science, business, economics, psychology, sport science, reckoner scientific discipline too accounting. In 2014 they had 44 students inwards their Core Maths groups. From 2017, Core Maths is forthwith compulsory for Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 degree scientific discipline students non studying Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 degree maths. They currently take away hold 55 Core Maths students inwards Year 12, divided into 3 groups. Students are told that the principal role of Core Maths is to back upwards their scientific discipline studies, too it is increasingly valued past times students.
2. Miriam's (@mathsonthebrain) schoolhouse decided to offering Core Maths because the Sixth Form Leadership Team were looking to furnish to a greater extent than choice pathways for less academic students. When Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 levels aren't suitable too then courses similar Core Maths too BTEC Science are recommended. Core Maths is a pop choice, too that popularity partly stems from the fact that maths is good liked inwards the school. There are lots of students whose favourite discipline is maths but they aren't rigid plenty to create Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 level, thus Core Maths is perfect for them. Miriam's schoolhouse runs it equally a ane twelvemonth class which way they larn additional uptake inwards Year thirteen from students who take away hold had to swap courses at the terminate of Year 12.
3. Chris (@cjshore) plant at a large 14-19 comprehensive. With the backing of the college leadership team, inwards September 2015 they started teaching Core Maths equally a qualification to fill upwards the gap betwixt the students who took Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 degree maths too those who retook their GCSE. In the outset twelvemonth 35 students started the course. It was highly recommended to students on mathematically rich courses such equally the sciences, geography, economic science too psychology. Whilst most students enjoyed the class too reported it helped them amongst their other studies, at that topographic point was a high drib out charge per unit of measurement during Year 13. Of the 35 students who started the course, solely 21 took the in conclusion exams. The students who dropped it were those who were struggling amongst their other Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 levels or felt that studying Core Maths was non needed for their University offer. Numbers taking upwards the class at the start of Year 12 rest rigid though, amongst 57 students choosing to convey it this year.

I am real grateful to these teachers for their contributions. I take away hold shortened these representative studies to hold this weblog post to a reasonable length, but I'm sure that each of these teachers would last happy for yous to brand it impact if yous take away hold questions regarding implementation too delivery. There are to a greater extent than representative studies here, too of class the Smith Review is amount of show too recommendations.

To brand Core Maths operate well, it's vital that schoolhouse leadership is on board amongst the thought that all students should take away hold the opportunity to proceed to study maths post-16. In addition, it seems that Core Maths has to last actively promoted (or indeed, made compulsory) to students choosing sure courses.

Although nosotros take away hold seen some positive moves from universities inwards price of endorsing Core Maths, the Department for Education has a lot of operate to create here. To larn purchase inwards from schools, too from students themselves, nosotros postulate the Government to create more, both inwards price of funding provision too inwards price of promoting the Core Maths qualification at a national level. In the meantime, it's swell to listen some success stories. Please add together a comment below if you've managed to brand Core Maths operate well.

5 Maths Gems #79

Welcome to my 79th gems post. This is where I portion some of the latest news, ideas together with resources for maths teachers.

1. Percentages
Miss Konstantine (blog post about how she teaches percentages of amounts. In it she shared a lovely activeness where the master copy sum isn't given only a dissimilar percent is.
Don Steward liked this thought hence much that he made a really similar activity, which is at i time linked inward my resource library.

2. TES Freebies
I've never bought a resources from TES earlier only final calendar week I establish i that is going to salve me a huge sum of fourth dimension together with printing budget... For my blog post about how she teaches percentages of amounts. In it she shared a lovely activeness where the master copy sum isn't given only a dissimilar percent is.
Don Steward liked this thought hence much that he made a really similar Papers Society I accept to impress a lot of GCSE papers, which is actually expensive given that GCSE papers are unremarkably around twenty - xxx pages long. Thankfully I establish that a teacher (tpayne89) has pose a lot of endeavour into cutting a alternative of GCSE papers downward to brusk A5 booklets - the resources is here

I know that some of you lot are hence annoyed that TES at i time sells resources that you'd never contemplate buying one, only the balance of you lot powerfulness produce goodness from the fact that TES are offering a £5 voucher for get-go timer buyers to purchase a resources during Nov (use the code NOVEMBERNEWBIE).

3. Prime on a Lime
Inspired past times 'Elf on a Shelf', Chris Smith (@aap03102) shared this movie on Twitter...
We had fun guessing the rhyming phrase for this movie together with others shared past times Chris... together with and hence other people joined inward together with made their own. Julia Smith (@tessmaths) collected them together inward a padlet - come across if you lot tin gauge them all!

4. Key Stage iii Support
Thanks to Lisa Pollard (@booleanmathshub) for sharing the NCETM's recent publication 'Teaching for Mastery: Questions, tasks together with activities to back upwardly assessment inward Key Stage 3'. It contains lots of useful inquiry prompts that schools could contain into their Key Stage iii Schemes of Work - hither are 2 examples:

5. Mental Arithmetic
This is something that maths teachers volition enjoy! Thanks to Paul Godding (@7puzzle) for sharing arithmetic.zetamac.com. This game is highly addictive! It's fun trying to shell your personal best.
In instance you lot missed them, my recent posts were 'blog post about how she teaches percentages of amounts. In it she shared a lovely activeness where the master copy sum isn't given only a dissimilar percent is.
Don Steward liked this thought hence much that he made a really similar Success Stories: Core Maths' (thank you lot to everyone who commented on this!) together with 'blog post about how she teaches percentages of amounts. In it she shared a lovely activeness where the master copy sum isn't given only a dissimilar percent is.
Don Steward liked this thought hence much that he made a really similar The Wonderful World of Maths Resources'.

If you're an H5N1 score teacher, produce accept a read of the post 'blog post about how she teaches percentages of amounts. In it she shared a lovely activeness where the master copy sum isn't given only a dissimilar percent is.
Don Steward liked this thought hence much that he made a really similar Strength inward Numbers'.

The MA is currently inward talks alongside the other maths bailiwick associations nearly amalgamation. I mean value that the creation of a unmarried maths bailiwick association would hold out a really of import stride frontward for our profession. I encourage you lot to add together your catch here, whether you're a fellow member of the MA or not. Thank you lot to everyone who has already done so.

If you're looking to alter schoolhouse this twelvemonth (or for adjacent September) together with you lot alive inward Surrey or South London together with hence delight produce driblet me an email - my lovely schoolhouse has vacancies. We accept opportunities for trainees, NQTs together with experienced teachers. We're happy to consider requests to move business office time.

I'm off to my get-go e'er MathsJam Annual Gathering adjacent weekend! Exciting stuff. I'm looking frontward to seeing lots of you lot there.

I'll exit you lot alongside this lovely puzzle, shared past times Chris Smith (@aap03102) in his most recent newsletter. If you've non signed up, email Chris to subscribe.

Mathsjem At Mathsjam

It was amongst some trepidation that I travelled upwardly to Staffordshire on Sabbatum morning time to attend my starting fourth dimension always MathsJam annual gathering. I had absolutely no persuasion what to expect. I'm a regular attendee of maths didactics events, but this was different... I feared that I was inwards means over my head.

If you're non familiar amongst MathsJam, it's truly a monthly number which is run all over the world. On the second-to-last Tuesday of every month, maths enthusiasts instruct together (often inwards a pub) to play games, produce puzzles, that sort of thing. Do banking corporation check out the website to honour your nearest MathsJam - at that topographic point are loads inwards the UK. Once a year, MathsJammers instruct together for an annual gathering which, every bit I convey straightaway discovered, is utterly brilliant.

For most of the weekend, all 175ish attendees are based inwards ane room, listening to a serial of 5 minute talks about anything in addition to everything. I reckon I understood around ii thirds of the maths inwards the talks (ok, peradventure to a greater extent than similar a half...) but it was fine that some of the talks were a tad likewise advanced for me. They were all the same truly interesting. I can't listing all my favourites hither but they included Zoe Griffiths ('A discourse on e'), Matthew Scroggs ('Big Ben Strikes Again'), Adam Townsend ('Stop! (or, using maths to overstep your driving test)'), Alison Clarke ('Stupid Units'), Dave Gale ('Catchphrase in addition to Coffee') and Katie Steckles ('Sheeran Numbers').
Around the border of the room at that topographic point were all sorts of geeky awesome things going on, including a Rubik's Cube solving robot, loads of maths games in addition to puzzles, a tabular array total of competitions, in addition to an incredible option of maths cakes. There were so many competitions (designed past times attendees) that at that topographic point was a contest rival (a contest to honour the best competition). Bonkers, but delightful.

I absolutely loved the eventide entertainment. I enjoyed drinks at the bar amongst my friends Mariana, Tim in addition to Ed, in addition to it was dainty to grab upwardly amongst the FMSP team. After dinner (the nutrient was excellent!) nosotros had the chance to instruct involved inwards an amazing option of games in addition to activities, all brought along past times attendees. The eventide also featured the MathsJam Jam which was my favourite business office of the whole weekend! We basically merely sat circular singing maths songs... it was bloody brilliant. The lyrics were genius. I absolutely loved it in addition to can't hold back to produce it over again adjacent year. Check out the songbooks here, in addition to a dyad of extracts below...

The adjacent morning time nosotros had to a greater extent than talks, in addition to past times so I felt totally at home. The diverseness of attendees was amazing, ranging from teenage maths enthusiasts to retired professors. The atmosphere was incredibly friendly in addition to inclusive. I absolutely recommend it to anyone who enjoys maths. I tin laissez passer on notice watch why people come upwardly from so far away to attend the MathsJam annual gathering, in addition to why they come upwardly dorsum yr later on year.

I must nation a huge give thank you lot you to the wonderful Colin Wright (@ColinTheMathmo), who does a superb labor of organising the event, in addition to to everyone else who was involved inwards running it. It was lovely to come across so many novel people in addition to to grab upwardly amongst a few familiar faces. I can't hold back to instruct over again adjacent year.

Monday, September 24, 2012

5 Maths Gems #80

Welcome to my 80th gems post. This is where I percentage around of the latest news, ideas as well as resources for maths teachers.

1. Times Tables Tool
La Salle Education bring made a complimentary version of their Times Tables app available to everyone. It includes multiple representation of multiplication as well as partitioning facts. I expect frontwards to using this amongst my immature adult woman when she starts learning nigh multiplication.
2. Twinkl Taster Pack
I blogged nigh Twinkl's novel secondary maths resources dorsum inward Gems 65. They've straight off shared a free taster pack which includes a laid upward of revision mats suitable for Foundation GCSE students.
3. Quadratics Resources
Thanks to @TeacherBowTie for sharing around lovely quadratics resources including an A3 quadratics consolidation activity which would operate good for revision as well as a problem solving activity for practising factorising.

I've added both resources to my algebra resources library.
4. Times Table Facts
This times tables resource from Anthony Clohesy is good worth a expect - it shows the exclusively 28 times tabular array facts students demand to learn, arranged inward lodge from of import (at the bottom) to hard (at the top). While you're there, depository fiscal establishment agree out the residuum of his website thechalkface.net.
5. Universcale
Thanks to my lovely colleague Jane Zimmermann for telling me nigh Nikon's 'The Scale of the Universe' that I shared inward Gems 12, agency dorsum inward 2014.

In illustration you lot missed it, my post 'The Top v Christmas Gifts for Maths Teachers This Year' was published yesteryear TeachWire. While you're thinking nigh your want list, bring a expect at Craig Barton's novel majority 'How I Wish I'd Taught Maths' which is straight off available to pre-order. I've been real lucky to bring a sneak preview of this majority - it's fantastic. Look out for my weblog post nigh it soon.

Did you lot choose handgrip of my post nigh MathsJam? If you're a maths enthusiast as well as so produce essay as well as choke involved inward your local MathsJam or come upward along to the annual gathering adjacent year.

In September I took purpose inward a researchED struggle called 'When the maths hits the fan: what produce the GCSE results actually mean?'. The recording of that session has straight off been published online - if you lot bring a spare xl minutes, produce bring a listen.

If you lot intend to come upward to BCME (the hugely exciting maths conference taking house at Easter that I wrote nigh here) delight recollect that you lot exclusively bring a brace of weeks left to use for a bursary. I've applied!

You also exclusively bring a brace of weeks left to percentage your thought nigh the proposed champaign of report association amalgamation - delight add together comments here.

Mock GCSE flavor is straight off upon us - expect out for my upcoming weblog post nigh the best revision resources as well as tools to back upward students inward their examine preparation.

I'll move out you lot amongst this nifty inquiry from Mark Chubb‏ (@MarkChubb3). Do these 2 bring the same area? Same perimeter? Will this ever live on truthful no affair how they are set together?

Mock Season

Many schools bring Year xi mock GCSE exams over the adjacent few weeks. In representative you lot bring fourth dimension to run a few revision lessons earlier your mocks start, this post provides a quick reminder of unopen to groovy resources.

Access Maths
Access Maths is an first-class source of revision activities for the classroom. There's a large alternative of resources on the 9 - 1 Revision Material page for both Foundation together with Higher tier.
Corbett Maths
Even if you lot don't operate Structured Revision Lessons, I wrote virtually how I used 5-a-Day inwards the sew together to end year's GCSEs. At 5 dissimilar difficulty levels, they're suitable for all GCSE students.
On Mathsbot.com you lot tin generate GCSE revision grids containing questions for Foundation, Crossover or Higher. These grids tin hold upward displayed on the board or printed onto worksheets for revision lessons.
There are a let on of other GCSE resources on MathsBot that mightiness hold upward helpful for mock revision.

Many schools operate a QLA (question flat analysis) to analyse surgery past times topic afterwards exams. If you lot register alongside PinPoint Learning you lot tin move QLA spreadsheets for free, all laid to complete, for every practise newspaper together with past times newspaper for all awarding bodies. So schools don't postulate to do their ain QLA spreadsheets.

PinPoint Learning also offers a tool where you lot tin upload your completed QLAs (or bring students input their ain marks) together with attain a tailored booklet of questions for every student. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 departmental analysis of mock results tin also hold upward generated. This ordinarily comes alongside a subscription costing £400 a yr only they are currently offering a free trial until 25th January.

More Resources
There are loads to a greater extent than revision resources inwards my post GCSE nine - 1 Revision Resources and my post virtually Revision Clocks.

It's also worth reading my post Higher GCSE revision from 2015. I wrote it for the former GCSE only all the resources featured are withal useful, including the first-class activities on Don Steward's practise blog.

Good luck alongside the mock mark everyone!

Algebraic Fluency - 50S Style

Whilst visiting the Mathematical Association inwards Leicester on Saturday, I picked upwardly a duet of onetime maths textbooks from the 1950s. 'A Classbook of Algebra' is my favourite.
In it I establish about wonderful exercises for developing algebraic fluency, including this fix of questions on 'Miscellaneous Factors':

The pedagogy 'factorise where possible' adds a delightful extra marking of intrigue in addition to challenge to this exercise. I dear these questions...

Factorise c - 3 + 2x(3 - c)

Factorise c2 - (c - d)2

Factorise ef - 1 + e - f

Factorise -14yz + y2 + 49z2

Factorise 81 - 9a  + 0.25a2

When I larn a run a jeopardy I'll type them all up. It does brand you lot wonder why the vast bulk of textbooks in addition to worksheets on factorising these days merely pick out questions similar this:

Factorise x2 +7x

Factorise x2 + 5x + 6

Factorise x2 - 9

in addition to possibly this sort of affair for stretch:

Factorise 3x2 + 10x + 8

Factorise 2x2 - 18

Is that actually the best nosotros tin do? We could at to the lowest degree modify the gild of the terms! No wonder in addition to hence many of our students lack algebraic fluency when they larn to Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 level.

If you're thinking that this factorising usage from the 1950s is a flake tricky, you lot volition live on relieved to take away heed that inwards the same mass at that spot are a position out of exercises breaking downwardly the factorising skills into stages, leading upwardly to the 'Miscellaneous Factors' activity which brings it all together. For instance at that spot is a whole department on 'Factors past times Grouping' which explains how to factorise expressions similar ax + 2x + 3a + 6. I'm non certain this science is widely taught these days.
I pick out enough of students who would dear to larn stuck into these questions. Back inwards 2015 I wrote the shipping service 'Stretching Practice' which is nigh where to detect expert practise resources for high attainers. There's a decent alternative of resources available, but zip quite at the same marking equally the exercises from 1950s textbooks. I intend that the closest online resources for developing algebraic fluency are about of Don Steward's tasks, similar this first-class difference of 2 squares exercise:

I want I could present you lot every usage from 'A Classbook of Algebra'. There are in addition to hence many smashing questions. I'll exactly percentage a few to a greater extent than examples...

Under the championship 'Easy Brackets' nosotros detect questions that many teachers would right away role equally extension function inwards a lesson on expanding unmarried brackets:
And nether 'Miscellaneous Easy Brackets' the questions await real dissimilar to what nosotros right away regard to live on 'easy':
When nosotros learn 'collecting similar terms' I dubiety many of us role exercises similar this 1 on 'Addition in addition to Subtraction of Polynomials':
Check out the final question: 'To the excess of six - x + x2 over 5 + x- 3x add x2 -3x + 4'!

Do you lot desire to banking enterprise gibe that your students really know how to expand brackets in addition to solve equations? Try about of these:
Here nosotros pick out double brackets too:
I wrote nigh multiplying negatives inwards this post, but the resources I featured didn't include algebra similar this usage does:
Finally (though I could become on all day!), here's something for your indices lesson:

If alone I had fourth dimension to type all these up!

I promise you lot enjoyed looking at exercises from the 1950s equally much equally I did.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

New This Christmas

I accept a page of seasonal resources which includes Christmas-themed maths activities. I mean value it's actually of import to gain mathematics inward every maths lesson throughout the year, but if one-half the degree are out at carol service rehearsals or a lesson is cutting curt past times an destination of term assembly, as well as thus I come across no terms inward putting on a fleck of Christmas background music piece students larn stuck into to a greater extent than or less festive algebra. I beloved a fleck of Wham amongst my equations.

There are to a greater extent than or less classics on my seasonal resources page, such every bit Chris Smith's much-loved relay, but also quite a lot of novel additions this year. I thought it powerfulness endure helpful to listing a few of these novel resources hither thus yous don't immature lady anything.

Topic Based
Dave (@d_e_humpty) has produced a lovely fix of Christmas shape transformation activities which include translations, reflections as well as rotations.
Grant (MyMaths also has a novel collection of Christmas resources including Christmas Algebra which powerfulness endure suitable for Key Stage 2. 
Mr Bayle (@mrbaylemaths) shared a quick Christmas information collection action where yous play Jingle Bell Rock as well as students croak along a tally of the give-and-take count for 'Jingle', 'Bell' as well as 'Rock'. 
Students at @Maths_CCB had a go, as well as made festive pie charts of the results.
Danielle (@PixiMaths) has helpfully shared a mixed-topic maths quiz that she made for her Year 9s.

It's overnice to veer off-syllabus for a lesson or two. La Salle accept a alternative of Christmas enrichment resources including How to brand an origami Santa and Christmas Colours which relates to the Four Colour Theorem.
Hexaflexagons are a personal favourite of mine. I became addicted terminal yr afterwards watching Vi Harts's outstanding hexaflexagon videos (if yous haven't watched these yet, delight do!).

I ran a pair of hexaflexagon lessons inward the terminal calendar week of the summertime term. I showed the Vi Hart videos as well as thus handed out to a greater extent than or less templates for colouring. The videos got my students suitably excited nearly making hexaflexagons but to a greater extent than or less of them spent absolutely ages colouring, as well as and thus for the terminal fifteen minutes of the lesson I had thirty hands upwards wanting assist amongst the folding as well as flexing! Hard work. Most students ended upwards leaving the lesson amongst both a working hexaflexagon as well as cool mathematical stories to percentage at home.
Thanks to Jo Tomalin for sharing a festive hexaflexagon design.

Holiday Work
If your Year 11s accept mocks inward Jan as well as thus yous powerfulness desire to fix them to a greater extent than or less Christmas vacation homework. Mel (@Just_Maths) has created lovely holiday GCSE homeworks for both Foundation as well as Higher tier. She has also shared a like vacation homework for Key Stage 2.
Form Time
If yous accept whatever extended cast fourth dimension on the terminal twenty-four hours of term as well as your schoolhouse hasn't provided whatever resources to croak along your students entertained, elbow grease Mel's (@Just_Maths) first-class Christmas Pub Quiz.

Alternatively, maths instructor Graham Coleman (@colmanweb) has updated his awesome website Guess the Tunes which forthwith includes Guess the Lyrics as well as Guess the Faces.

Cards as well as Gifts 
Maths Ed (@MathsEdIdeas) has shared a Christmaths bill of fare for schools to distribute to students as well as families, encouraging shared maths-play over the holidays. Editable files tin endure downloaded here as well as printed onto A4 to crease to A5. 
Finally, gain depository fiscal establishment agree out my post service The Top v Christmas Presents for Maths Teachers if yous notwithstanding accept to a greater extent than or less Christmas shopping to do.

Enjoy the terminal calendar week of term! The destination is inward sight.

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