Friday, October 11, 2019

5 Maths Gems #97

Welcome to my 97th gems post. This is where I part to a greater extent than or less of the latest news, ideas together with resources for maths teachers.

1. Loci Match Up

Miss Konstantine (activity. The foursquare has side length 18cm, due east is the midpoint of the foursquare together with the radius of the circle is 5cm. Students demand to run out what colours gibe each statement, together with notice the surface area of each of the coloured sections. Alternatively you lot tin give them the diagram together with enquire them together with write their ain statements.
I create dear a loci activeness that doesn't involve pairs of compasses...

It's worth following @GiftedBA on Twitter because she oft shares ideas, resources together with examples of pupil work. Check out her most recent post service 'Squares/Roots using Area', and her post service 'Circumference together with Area of a Circle' inwards which she suggests an activeness where students lay errors from a list. 
Inspired yesteryear this, Sarah Evans (@maths_missevans) has been trying out 'Find together with Fix amongst Feedback' tasks. Having a listing of feedback statements to select from helps students to lay together with empathise mistakes together with misconceptions.
2. Calculator Posters
Casio (@CasioMaths) has shared a ready of high resolution posters of the Classwiz reckoner for H5N1 grade classrooms.
3. Pythagoras
James together with Nicola from MathsPad conduct maintain shared to a greater extent than or less other lovely ready of resources. I dear their novel worksheet together with interactive tool for 3D Pythagoras.
MathsPad's October update was packed total of novel resources for trigonometry together with Pythagoras. One lawsuit is the ready of Pythagoras puzzles where students are given 1 side together with a ready of possible answers for the other two. As James says, this mightiness nudge thinking towards the theorem's converse.

Subscribe to MathsPad to access the total collection.

4. Equipment Check
H5N1 grade instructor Stuart Price @sxpmaths shared to a greater extent than or less things he's trying this yr when mark assessments. His tests straightaway include an equipment cheque for iv marks - this a fun agency of getting students to convey the right equipment to lessons!
Stuart uses a 'mistake' postage when he is certain his H5N1 grade students tin self-correct together with a 'misconception' postage when something is fundamentally wrong.
5. Algebraic Area
Thanks to Catriona Shearer (@Cshearer41) for sharing a groovy ready of resources on TES that she created equally utilization of the Mathematical Reasoning at GCSE projection run yesteryear Cambridge Maths Hub. I've latterly discovered that lots of fantabulous resources are made yesteryear Maths Hub workgroups that don't terminate upwardly existence widely shared together with I'm determined to alter that!

Catriona's Algebraic Area Reasoning Tasks are based on a WJEC GCSE enquiry almost forming together with solving a quadratic equation for the surface area of 2 rectangles. The tasks vary inwards difficulty.
For a similar ready of surface area tasks amongst a to a greater extent than numerical approach consider Catriona's Compound Area Reasoning Tasks. Also cheque out her ready of Probability Reasoning Tasks (based on the infamous Hannah's Sweets question).

It's groovy that Catriona is involved inwards developing resources for Maths Hubs given the lineament of her puzzles, which I wrote almost inwards Gems 94. You tin straightaway download iii pages of Catriona's beautiful puzzles here.
I was excited to conduct maintain an article almost indices published inwards Teach Secondary magazine. It includes ten ingredients to learn indices inwards depth, simply those 10 ingredients could apply to whatsoever theme thus create conduct maintain a read. The total article is online here. You tin also download a gratis resources containing iv activities which you lot mightiness notice useful when pedagogy index notation.
Also hold off out for my article inwards adjacent month's Teach Secondary magazine almost algebraic social club of operations.

On Fri I met upwardly amongst Megan Guinan afterwards schoolhouse together with nosotros went along to the launch of Chalkdust Magazine Issue 8 at my one-time academy UCL. We had a groovy fourth dimension together with actually enjoyed the quiz. Chalkdust magazine is bright - you lot tin read Issue 8 online, together with if you're coming to my LateMaths resultant on Sat together with thus you'll live able to selection upwardly a copy.
All 100 tickets conduct maintain been sold for LateMaths and I've been busy making all the lastly arrangements over the lastly few days. I can't wait!

If you're a instructor inwards London together with thus create bring together 1 of my Maths Hub workgroups! I'm supporting the workgroup led yesteryear Chris Reilly on the Challenging Topics inwards the New GCSE. In this workgroup we'll hold off closely at the pedagogy of ratio together with hopefully prepare together with trial to a greater extent than or less novel resources for this topic. I'm also supporting Carlos Karingal on the London-wide Developing H5N1 Level Pedagogy workgroup which volition come across at Chestnut Grove inwards Balham. I'm thus excited almost this workgroup - I intend it volition conduct maintain a big touching on on my H5N1 grade teaching. Get inwards touching if you lot desire to a greater extent than information. Everyone is welcome to larn involved.

I'll exit you lot amongst the New York Regents archive website which was shared yesteryear Benjamin Dickman (@benjamindickman). It's beautifully organised yesteryear theme together with year, containing assay out questions going dorsum to 1866. I dear materials similar this!