Thursday, October 17, 2019

5 Maths Gems #40

Hello too welcome to my 40th gems post. This is where I percentage 5 maths education ideas I've seen on Twitter.

I've been education long plenty to know how busy September is, precisely in 1 lawsuit to a greater extent than the overwhelming workload has come upwardly equally a shock! New classes, novel tutor group, novel systems, novel policies... I'm certain it volition all calm downwards shortly (well, possibly adjacent July!). However, hence far hence expert - my novel schoolhouse is awesome too I'm enjoying getting stuck into education again.

1. Play With Your Math
Thanks to Craig Jeavons (@Craigos87) for sharing a website I'd non seen earlier Maths problems are posted every fortnight - they tin move downloaded equally posters too worksheets. Here's a brace of examples:

2. Estimating Percentages
In #mathsTLP on Sunday @jeff2869 shared a overnice estimation tool - Estimate the Percentage. It's a straightforward activity for the Interactive Whiteboard that volition move useful for assessing agreement of percentages.
3. Ordering Numbers
I similar activities involving ordering numbers, too I especially similar the selection of numbers inwards these 2 activities from Chris Stapel (@StapelMathClass).

4. Number Starters
Back inwards Gems 34 I mentioned These are corking warm-up tasks for practising arithmetic.
5. Marking Stickers
I've seen some lovely examples of marker stickers this week. Anthony Biggs (@MathsDirectory) made these for presentation too examination tips:
Miss Bowkett (@MissBowkett) shared her yellowish marker stickers which include feedback on presentation, 'what went well' too adjacent steps.
I've enjoyed coming together all my novel classes over the terminal 2 weeks. I've already used loads of wonderful Don Steward activities - this makes me happy!
3.142 variations
This calendar week I used Find the Factors puzzles for the root time. I used a Level iv puzzle inwards my root lesson alongside Year 10 too a Level 1 puzzle inwards my root lesson alongside Year 7. These puzzles are corking for practising times tables too using logic. Students inwards both classes said they wanted to endeavour to a greater extent than challenging Find the Factors puzzles hence I'll definitely piece of job these again.
Another success this calendar week was my root Memory King tournament - I had a Year eleven pupil recite the root x prime numbers inwards 2.45 seconds!

I've got 3 novel Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 grade classes too am finding that they're all real placidity too hardworking. When they're doing a do exercise yous could withdraw heed a pivot drop. They never inquire for assist or piece of job together. At my previous school, 6th shape students were much chattier during lessons - although they were less focused, they did inquire each other for assist a lot, hence it was a mixed blessing. Hannah (‏@LorHRL) made a helpful proposition on Twitter this calendar week - she said that playing music during lessons helps because too hence students don't lead maintain to suspension the quiet to speak. I took her advice too played placidity classical music during 2 Year thirteen lessons - it worked well. The atmosphere inwards the room was calm too relaxed - students continued to focus precisely were to a greater extent than willing to inquire for assist from me or their peers.

Recent Posts
Last calendar week I wrote a post service nearly High Expectations. I discussed the importance of pitching lessons right precisely non dumbing downwards the content. Do lead maintain a expression if yous missed it.

My school's annual Open Evening is adjacent week. If yous lead maintain 1 coming upwardly too, yous mightiness notice my post service about Open Evening helpful - it has lots of ideas for the Maths Department.

I was going to write a post service nearly literacy precisely I've been equally good busy to plough over it my total attending this week. I decided to summarise 5 golden rules instead - reckon below. I reckon many resources that comprise spelling mistakes, grammatical errors (particularly missing interrogation marks too errant apostrophes) or wrong terminology. Please don't piece of job them! It's non fair on your students.
Coming Soon
I'm hosting #mathscpdchat at 7pm on Tuesday 15th September. The theme is 'What expectations are yous communicating to your Year 10 students equally they start on the revised GCSE course?'. I promise yous tin bring together in.

I also promise you're planning to come upwardly to #mathsconf5 in Sheffield on 26th September (it's non equally good belatedly to register). Do come upwardly too say hello. I'll move around for pre-conference drinks on the Fri nighttime too. I'm rather upset (actually, brand that devastated!) that I'm missing the 1 workshop that I desperately wanted to larn to - unfortunately it clashes alongside my workshop. I would real very much appreciate it if mortal who attends Kris Bolton's session 'The Stories of Maths' writes a detailed post service nearly literally everything he says. Or - fifty-fifty ameliorate - could yous cinema his workshop on your tablet? I'd move hugely grateful.

I'll move out yous alongside these give-and-take points from my school's root maths faculty coming together of the twelvemonth (sorry, I don't know the master copy source). What activeness would yous lead maintain inwards each case? Answers on a postcard please!