Friday, October 11, 2019

5 Maths Gems #105

Welcome to my 105th gems post. This is where I percentage unopen to of the latest news, ideas in addition to resources for maths teachers.

1. MathsPad
As common James in addition to Nicola from MathsPad convey shared lots of first-class resources amongst subscribers inwards their monthly update. Their pie nautical chart tool is great!
This calendar month they also shared a complimentary railroad train of fun cross-sequences puzzles that yous tin access fifty-fifty if yous don't subscribe. I've added this to my algebra resources library.

2. Similar Triangles Problem
Thanks to John Rowe (@MrJohnRowe) for sharing this problem. Similar triangles spiral to cast a regular decagon. The chore is to honour the length marked amongst a enquiry mark.

3. Missing Steps
TickTockMaths (@TickTockMaths) shared an activity where students consummate the missing steps.

You tin download his algebraic fractions PowerPoint here. Check out all of Richard's complimentary resources on his blog or on TES.

4. Maths Frame
Ted Burch (@Mathsframe) has converted all his free maths ITPs from Flash to HTML5 in addition to thus they volition function on whatsoever modern browser. These interactive tools are useful for for both main secondary teachers. They are really slow to use. There's loads to explore in addition to thus produce cheque out the website.

5. Posters
This lovely railroad train of STEM component subdivision model posters will brighten upwardly schoolhouse corridors in addition to supply proficient talking points.
There's also a prissy railroad train of downloadable 'Forces of Nature' posters from Perimeter Institute which includes ane of my favourite mathematicians, Ada Lovelace.
It's all been a flake crazy lately. On Sabbatum black I hosted Matt Parker's volume launch inwards London. Thanks to all the wonderful people who helped out on the black in addition to all the wonderful guests, it ended upwardly existence an utterly brilliant night. I had such a proficient fourth dimension in addition to loved every minute. After first-class in addition to thoroughly entertaining talks inwards the amphitheatre from Matt Parker, Jen Rogers, Rob Eastaway, Tim Harford in addition to Dan Schreiber, nosotros ended the black amongst a exhibit from FoxDog Studios which was the funniest matter I convey e'er seen! There was loads going on inwards the reception room too, including James Grime amongst an Enigma machine, Ben Sparks amongst 3D Geogebra, Andy Sharpe amongst Nrich maths games, in addition to Chalkdust amongst their awesome magazine. Plus of course of teaching at that topographic point was a self-playing pianoforte performing a previously unannounced superpermuation. And the best goody bags ever.
Here's a video of my 180 guests (mostly maths teachers) thoroughly enjoying the interactive exhibit from FoxDog Studios.

Thank yous in addition to thus much to everyone who came, in addition to to our friends at Jane Street for the ridiculously generous support. I recall it's fourth dimension for me to retire from my final result administration hobby because there's no means I tin e'er travel past times this one!

In other news, my books convey similar a shot been printed. These books are for students (not teachers!) - they are designed to assistance them larn all their facts in addition to formulae for GCSE maths in addition to science. Please either bulk order for your students or signal them inwards the administration of Amazon using these leaflets. I convey explained how the books function inwards this brusk domicile video.
I'm ridiculously tired from the volume launch (turns out that planning big events at brusk notice is a flake exhausting!), precisely notwithstanding really much looking frontward to #mathsconf18 inwards Bristol this weekend. I produce dearest a mathsconf. I volition convey unopen to samples of my books if yous desire to convey a look. I volition also last doing a utter almost unit of measurement conversions (a technical glitch meant that people were unable to sign upwardly to it for a while, precisely at that topographic point is notwithstanding infinite in addition to thus delight come upwardly along!), in addition to I'll last helping to run the MA bookstand along amongst David Faram. Do come upwardly in addition to nation hullo at unopen to signal if you're at the conference.

I'll acquire out yous amongst this calculus comic from XKCD.